Package-level declarations


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Subinterface of ReadablePreferences that, in contrast to WritablePreferences, requires an instance of PreferencesEditor to modify preferences.

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Interface used for modifying values in a ReadablePreferences object. All changes you make in an editor are batched, and not copied back to the original ReadablePreferences until you call save.

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Interface that determines preferences logging behavior.

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Interface used for applying changes made in PreferencesEditor object. When using ReadablePreferences.bind to inject preferences' values to JVM fields, PreferencesSaver is returned back to save changes made in JVM fields.

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object Prefs

Create an instance of WritablePreferences or EditablePreferences and bind its values to JVM fields with this object.

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Interface for accessing and modifying preference data on any target platform (JVM, Android, etc.).

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Subinterface of ReadablePreferences that, in contrast to EditablePreferences, can directly modify preferences since it also inherits PreferencesEditor.