Package-level declarations


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open class KtfxJfxBadge : JFXBadge, NodeManager

JFXBadge with dynamic-layout dsl support. Invoking dsl will only set its control.

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open class KtfxJfxClippedPane : JFXClippedPane, NodeManager

JFXClippedPane with dynamic-layout dsl support. Invoking dsl will add its children.

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open class KtfxJfxDrawer : JFXDrawer, NodeManager

JFXDrawer with dynamic-layout dsl support. Invoking dsl will add its children.

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open class KtfxJfxMasonryPane : JFXMasonryPane, NodeManager

JFXMasonryPane with dynamic-layout dsl support. Invoking dsl will add its children.

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open class KtfxJfxNodesList : JFXNodesList, NodeManager

JFXNodesList with dynamic-layout dsl support. Invoking dsl will add its children.

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open class KtfxJfxRippler : JFXRippler, NodeManager

JFXRippler with dynamic-layout dsl support. Invoking dsl will only set its children.

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open class KtfxJfxScrollPane : JFXScrollPane, NodeManager

JFXScrollPane with dynamic-layout dsl support. Invoking dsl will only set its content.

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open class KtfxJfxTabPane : JFXTabPane, TabManager

JFXTabPane with dynamic-layout dsl support. Invoking dsl will add its children.

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open class KtfxJfxTogglePane : JFXTogglePane, NodeManager

JFXTogglePane with dynamic-layout dsl support. Invoking dsl will only set its content.

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open class KtfxJfxToolbar : JFXToolbar

JFXToolbar with dynamic-layout dsl support. Invoking dsl will add its children.


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inline fun JFXScrollPane.bottomBar(configuration: NodeManager.() -> Unit)

Configure JFXScrollPane bottom bar.

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inline fun JFXScrollPane.condensedHeader(configuration: NodeManager.() -> Unit)

Configure JFXScrollPane condensed header.

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fun NodeManager.jfxBadge(): JFXBadge

Add a JFXBadge to this manager.

inline fun jfxBadge(configuration: KtfxJfxBadge.() -> Unit): JFXBadge

Create a JFXBadge with configuration block.

inline fun NodeManager.jfxBadge(configuration: KtfxJfxBadge.() -> Unit): JFXBadge

Add a JFXBadge with configuration block to this manager.

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fun NodeManager.jfxButton(text: String? = null, graphic: Node? = null): JFXButton

Add a JFXButton to this manager.

inline fun jfxButton(text: String? = null, graphic: Node? = null, configuration: JFXButton.() -> Unit): JFXButton

Create a JFXButton with configuration block.

inline fun NodeManager.jfxButton(text: String? = null, graphic: Node? = null, configuration: JFXButton.() -> Unit): JFXButton

Add a JFXButton with configuration block to this manager.

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fun NodeManager.jfxCheckBox(text: String? = null): JFXCheckBox

Add a JFXCheckBox to this manager.

inline fun jfxCheckBox(text: String? = null, configuration: JFXCheckBox.() -> Unit): JFXCheckBox

Create a JFXCheckBox with configuration block.

inline fun NodeManager.jfxCheckBox(text: String? = null, configuration: JFXCheckBox.() -> Unit): JFXCheckBox

Add a JFXCheckBox with configuration block to this manager.

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fun <T> NodeManager.jfxChip(view: JFXChipView<T>, item: T): JFXChip<T>

Add a JFXChip to this manager.

inline fun <T> jfxChip(view: JFXChipView<T>, item: T, configuration: JFXChip<T>.() -> Unit): JFXChip<T>

Create a JFXChip with configuration block.

inline fun <T> NodeManager.jfxChip(view: JFXChipView<T>, item: T, configuration: JFXChip<T>.() -> Unit): JFXChip<T>

Add a JFXChip with configuration block to this manager.

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fun <T> NodeManager.jfxChipView(): JFXChipView<T>

Add a JFXChipView to this manager.

inline fun <T> jfxChipView(configuration: JFXChipView<T>.() -> Unit): JFXChipView<T>

Create a JFXChipView with configuration block.

inline fun <T> NodeManager.jfxChipView(configuration: JFXChipView<T>.() -> Unit): JFXChipView<T>

Add a JFXChipView with configuration block to this manager.

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fun NodeManager.jfxClippedPane(): JFXClippedPane

Add a JFXClippedPane to this manager.

inline fun jfxClippedPane(configuration: KtfxJfxClippedPane.() -> Unit): JFXClippedPane

Create a JFXClippedPane with configuration block.

inline fun NodeManager.jfxClippedPane(configuration: KtfxJfxClippedPane.() -> Unit): JFXClippedPane

Add a JFXClippedPane with configuration block to this manager.

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fun NodeManager.jfxColorPicker(color: Color = WHITE): JFXColorPicker

Add a JFXColorPicker to this manager.

inline fun jfxColorPicker(color: Color = WHITE, configuration: JFXColorPicker.() -> Unit): JFXColorPicker

Create a JFXColorPicker with configuration block.

inline fun NodeManager.jfxColorPicker(color: Color = WHITE, configuration: JFXColorPicker.() -> Unit): JFXColorPicker

Add a JFXColorPicker with configuration block to this manager.

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fun <T> NodeManager.jfxComboBox(items: ObservableList<T> = observableArrayList()): JFXComboBox<T>

Add a JFXComboBox to this manager.

inline fun <T> jfxComboBox(items: ObservableList<T> = observableArrayList(), configuration: JFXComboBox<T>.() -> Unit): JFXComboBox<T>

Create a JFXComboBox with configuration block.

inline fun <T> NodeManager.jfxComboBox(items: ObservableList<T> = observableArrayList(), configuration: JFXComboBox<T>.() -> Unit): JFXComboBox<T>

Add a JFXComboBox with configuration block to this manager.

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fun NodeManager.jfxDatePicker(date: LocalDate? = null): JFXDatePicker

Add a JFXDatePicker to this manager.

inline fun jfxDatePicker(date: LocalDate? = null, configuration: JFXDatePicker.() -> Unit): JFXDatePicker

Create a JFXDatePicker with configuration block.

inline fun NodeManager.jfxDatePicker(date: LocalDate? = null, configuration: JFXDatePicker.() -> Unit): JFXDatePicker

Add a JFXDatePicker with configuration block to this manager.

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fun NodeManager.jfxDecorator(stage: Stage, node: Node, fullScreen: Boolean = true, max: Boolean = true, min: Boolean = true): JFXDecorator

Add a JFXDecorator to this manager.

inline fun jfxDecorator(stage: Stage, node: Node, fullScreen: Boolean = true, max: Boolean = true, min: Boolean = true, configuration: JFXDecorator.() -> Unit): JFXDecorator

Create a JFXDecorator with configuration block.

inline fun NodeManager.jfxDecorator(stage: Stage, node: Node, fullScreen: Boolean = true, max: Boolean = true, min: Boolean = true, configuration: JFXDecorator.() -> Unit): JFXDecorator

Add a JFXDecorator with configuration block to this manager.

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fun <T> NodeManager.jfxDefaultChip(view: JFXChipView<T>, item: T): JFXDefaultChip<T>

Add a JFXDefaultChip to this manager.

inline fun <T> jfxDefaultChip(view: JFXChipView<T>, item: T, configuration: JFXDefaultChip<T>.() -> Unit): JFXDefaultChip<T>

Create a JFXDefaultChip with configuration block.

inline fun <T> NodeManager.jfxDefaultChip(view: JFXChipView<T>, item: T, configuration: JFXDefaultChip<T>.() -> Unit): JFXDefaultChip<T>

Add a JFXDefaultChip with configuration block to this manager.

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fun NodeManager.jfxDrawer(): JFXDrawer

Add a JFXDrawer to this manager.

inline fun jfxDrawer(configuration: KtfxJfxDrawer.() -> Unit): JFXDrawer

Create a JFXDrawer with configuration block.

inline fun NodeManager.jfxDrawer(configuration: KtfxJfxDrawer.() -> Unit): JFXDrawer

Add a JFXDrawer with configuration block to this manager.

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fun NodeManager.jfxDrawersStack(): JFXDrawersStack

Add a JFXDrawersStack to this manager.

inline fun jfxDrawersStack(configuration: JFXDrawersStack.() -> Unit): JFXDrawersStack

Create a JFXDrawersStack with configuration block.

inline fun NodeManager.jfxDrawersStack(configuration: JFXDrawersStack.() -> Unit): JFXDrawersStack

Add a JFXDrawersStack with configuration block to this manager.

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fun NodeManager.jfxHamburger(): JFXHamburger

Add a JFXHamburger to this manager.

inline fun jfxHamburger(configuration: JFXHamburger.() -> Unit): JFXHamburger

Create a JFXHamburger with configuration block.

inline fun NodeManager.jfxHamburger(configuration: JFXHamburger.() -> Unit): JFXHamburger

Add a JFXHamburger with configuration block to this manager.

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fun <T> NodeManager.jfxListCell(): JFXListCell<T>

Add a JFXListCell to this manager.

inline fun <T> jfxListCell(configuration: JFXListCell<T>.() -> Unit): JFXListCell<T>

Create a JFXListCell with configuration block.

inline fun <T> NodeManager.jfxListCell(configuration: JFXListCell<T>.() -> Unit): JFXListCell<T>

Add a JFXListCell with configuration block to this manager.

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fun <T> NodeManager.jfxListView(): JFXListView<T>

Add a JFXListView to this manager.

inline fun <T> jfxListView(configuration: JFXListView<T>.() -> Unit): JFXListView<T>

Create a JFXListView with configuration block.

inline fun <T> NodeManager.jfxListView(configuration: JFXListView<T>.() -> Unit): JFXListView<T>

Add a JFXListView with configuration block to this manager.

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fun NodeManager.jfxMasonryPane(): JFXMasonryPane

Add a JFXMasonryPane to this manager.

inline fun jfxMasonryPane(configuration: KtfxJfxMasonryPane.() -> Unit): JFXMasonryPane

Create a JFXMasonryPane with configuration block.

inline fun NodeManager.jfxMasonryPane(configuration: KtfxJfxMasonryPane.() -> Unit): JFXMasonryPane

Add a JFXMasonryPane with configuration block to this manager.

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fun NodeManager.jfxNodesList(): JFXNodesList

Add a JFXNodesList to this manager.

inline fun jfxNodesList(configuration: KtfxJfxNodesList.() -> Unit): JFXNodesList

Create a JFXNodesList with configuration block.

inline fun NodeManager.jfxNodesList(configuration: KtfxJfxNodesList.() -> Unit): JFXNodesList

Add a JFXNodesList with configuration block to this manager.

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fun NodeManager.jfxPasswordField(): JFXPasswordField

Add a JFXPasswordField to this manager.

inline fun jfxPasswordField(configuration: JFXPasswordField.() -> Unit): JFXPasswordField

Create a JFXPasswordField with configuration block.

inline fun NodeManager.jfxPasswordField(configuration: JFXPasswordField.() -> Unit): JFXPasswordField

Add a JFXPasswordField with configuration block to this manager.

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fun NodeManager.jfxProgressBar(progress: Double = INDETERMINATE_PROGRESS): JFXProgressBar

Add a JFXProgressBar to this manager.

inline fun jfxProgressBar(progress: Double = INDETERMINATE_PROGRESS, configuration: JFXProgressBar.() -> Unit): JFXProgressBar

Create a JFXProgressBar with configuration block.

inline fun NodeManager.jfxProgressBar(progress: Double = INDETERMINATE_PROGRESS, configuration: JFXProgressBar.() -> Unit): JFXProgressBar

Add a JFXProgressBar with configuration block to this manager.

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fun NodeManager.jfxRadioButton(text: String? = null): JFXRadioButton
fun ToggleButtonManager.jfxRadioButton(text: String? = null): JFXRadioButton

Add a JFXRadioButton to this manager.

inline fun jfxRadioButton(text: String? = null, configuration: JFXRadioButton.() -> Unit): JFXRadioButton

Create a JFXRadioButton with configuration block.

inline fun NodeManager.jfxRadioButton(text: String? = null, configuration: JFXRadioButton.() -> Unit): JFXRadioButton
inline fun ToggleButtonManager.jfxRadioButton(text: String? = null, configuration: JFXRadioButton.() -> Unit): JFXRadioButton

Add a JFXRadioButton with configuration block to this manager.

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fun NodeManager.jfxRippler(): JFXRippler

Add a JFXRippler to this manager.

inline fun jfxRippler(configuration: KtfxJfxRippler.() -> Unit): JFXRippler

Create a JFXRippler with configuration block.

inline fun NodeManager.jfxRippler(configuration: KtfxJfxRippler.() -> Unit): JFXRippler

Add a JFXRippler with configuration block to this manager.

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fun NodeManager.jfxScrollPane(): JFXScrollPane

Add a JFXScrollPane to this manager.

inline fun jfxScrollPane(configuration: KtfxJfxScrollPane.() -> Unit): JFXScrollPane

Create a JFXScrollPane with configuration block.

inline fun NodeManager.jfxScrollPane(configuration: KtfxJfxScrollPane.() -> Unit): JFXScrollPane

Add a JFXScrollPane with configuration block to this manager.

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fun NodeManager.jfxSlider(min: Double = 0.0, max: Double = 100.0, value: Double = 50.0): JFXSlider

Add a JFXSlider to this manager.

inline fun jfxSlider(min: Double = 0.0, max: Double = 100.0, value: Double = 50.0, configuration: JFXSlider.() -> Unit): JFXSlider

Create a JFXSlider with configuration block.

inline fun NodeManager.jfxSlider(min: Double = 0.0, max: Double = 100.0, value: Double = 50.0, configuration: JFXSlider.() -> Unit): JFXSlider

Add a JFXSlider with configuration block to this manager.

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fun NodeManager.jfxSpinner(progress: Double = INDETERMINATE_PROGRESS): JFXSpinner

Add a JFXSpinner to this manager.

inline fun jfxSpinner(progress: Double = INDETERMINATE_PROGRESS, configuration: JFXSpinner.() -> Unit): JFXSpinner

Create a JFXSpinner with configuration block.

inline fun NodeManager.jfxSpinner(progress: Double = INDETERMINATE_PROGRESS, configuration: JFXSpinner.() -> Unit): JFXSpinner

Add a JFXSpinner with configuration block to this manager.

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fun NodeManager.jfxTabPane(): JFXTabPane

Add a JFXTabPane to this manager.

inline fun jfxTabPane(configuration: KtfxJfxTabPane.() -> Unit): JFXTabPane

Create a JFXTabPane with configuration block.

inline fun NodeManager.jfxTabPane(configuration: KtfxJfxTabPane.() -> Unit): JFXTabPane

Add a JFXTabPane with configuration block to this manager.

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fun NodeManager.jfxTextArea(text: String? = null): JFXTextArea

Add a JFXTextArea to this manager.

inline fun jfxTextArea(text: String? = null, configuration: JFXTextArea.() -> Unit): JFXTextArea

Create a JFXTextArea with configuration block.

inline fun NodeManager.jfxTextArea(text: String? = null, configuration: JFXTextArea.() -> Unit): JFXTextArea

Add a JFXTextArea with configuration block to this manager.

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fun NodeManager.jfxTextField(text: String? = null): JFXTextField

Add a JFXTextField to this manager.

inline fun jfxTextField(text: String? = null, configuration: JFXTextField.() -> Unit): JFXTextField

Create a JFXTextField with configuration block.

inline fun NodeManager.jfxTextField(text: String? = null, configuration: JFXTextField.() -> Unit): JFXTextField

Add a JFXTextField with configuration block to this manager.

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fun NodeManager.jfxTimePicker(time: LocalTime? = null): JFXTimePicker

Add a JFXTimePicker to this manager.

inline fun jfxTimePicker(time: LocalTime? = null, configuration: JFXTimePicker.() -> Unit): JFXTimePicker

Create a JFXTimePicker with configuration block.

inline fun NodeManager.jfxTimePicker(time: LocalTime? = null, configuration: JFXTimePicker.() -> Unit): JFXTimePicker

Add a JFXTimePicker with configuration block to this manager.

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fun NodeManager.jfxToggleButton(): JFXToggleButton
fun ToggleButtonManager.jfxToggleButton(): JFXToggleButton

Add a JFXToggleButton to this manager.

inline fun jfxToggleButton(configuration: JFXToggleButton.() -> Unit): JFXToggleButton

Create a JFXToggleButton with configuration block.

inline fun NodeManager.jfxToggleButton(configuration: JFXToggleButton.() -> Unit): JFXToggleButton
inline fun ToggleButtonManager.jfxToggleButton(configuration: JFXToggleButton.() -> Unit): JFXToggleButton

Add a JFXToggleButton with configuration block to this manager.

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fun NodeManager.jfxToggleNode(graphic: Node? = null): JFXToggleNode
fun ToggleButtonManager.jfxToggleNode(graphic: Node? = null): JFXToggleNode

Add a JFXToggleNode to this manager.

inline fun jfxToggleNode(graphic: Node? = null, configuration: JFXToggleNode.() -> Unit): JFXToggleNode

Create a JFXToggleNode with configuration block.

inline fun NodeManager.jfxToggleNode(graphic: Node? = null, configuration: JFXToggleNode.() -> Unit): JFXToggleNode
inline fun ToggleButtonManager.jfxToggleNode(graphic: Node? = null, configuration: JFXToggleNode.() -> Unit): JFXToggleNode

Add a JFXToggleNode with configuration block to this manager.

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fun NodeManager.jfxTogglePane(): JFXTogglePane

Add a JFXTogglePane to this manager.

inline fun jfxTogglePane(configuration: KtfxJfxTogglePane.() -> Unit): JFXTogglePane

Create a JFXTogglePane with configuration block.

inline fun NodeManager.jfxTogglePane(configuration: KtfxJfxTogglePane.() -> Unit): JFXTogglePane

Add a JFXTogglePane with configuration block to this manager.

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fun NodeManager.jfxToolbar(): JFXToolbar

Add a JFXToolbar to this manager.

inline fun jfxToolbar(configuration: KtfxJfxToolbar.() -> Unit): JFXToolbar

Create a JFXToolbar with configuration block.

inline fun NodeManager.jfxToolbar(configuration: KtfxJfxToolbar.() -> Unit): JFXToolbar

Add a JFXToolbar with configuration block to this manager.

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fun <T> NodeManager.jfxTreeCell(): JFXTreeCell<T>

Add a JFXTreeCell to this manager.

inline fun <T> jfxTreeCell(configuration: JFXTreeCell<T>.() -> Unit): JFXTreeCell<T>

Create a JFXTreeCell with configuration block.

inline fun <T> NodeManager.jfxTreeCell(configuration: JFXTreeCell<T>.() -> Unit): JFXTreeCell<T>

Add a JFXTreeCell with configuration block to this manager.

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fun <S : RecursiveTreeObject<S>> NodeManager.jfxTreeTableView(root: TreeItem<S>? = null): JFXTreeTableView<S>

Add a JFXTreeTableView to this manager.

inline fun <S : RecursiveTreeObject<S>> jfxTreeTableView(root: TreeItem<S>? = null, configuration: JFXTreeTableView<S>.() -> Unit): JFXTreeTableView<S>

Create a JFXTreeTableView with configuration block.

inline fun <S : RecursiveTreeObject<S>> NodeManager.jfxTreeTableView(root: TreeItem<S>? = null, configuration: JFXTreeTableView<S>.() -> Unit): JFXTreeTableView<S>

Add a JFXTreeTableView with configuration block to this manager.

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fun <T> NodeManager.jfxTreeView(root: TreeItem<T>? = null): JFXTreeView<T>

Add a JFXTreeView to this manager.

inline fun <T> jfxTreeView(root: TreeItem<T>? = null, configuration: JFXTreeView<T>.() -> Unit): JFXTreeView<T>

Create a JFXTreeView with configuration block.

inline fun <T> NodeManager.jfxTreeView(root: TreeItem<T>? = null, configuration: JFXTreeView<T>.() -> Unit): JFXTreeView<T>

Add a JFXTreeView with configuration block to this manager.

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fun NodeManager.jfxTreeViewPath(treeView: TreeView<*>? = null): JFXTreeViewPath

Add a JFXTreeViewPath to this manager.

inline fun jfxTreeViewPath(treeView: TreeView<*>? = null, configuration: JFXTreeViewPath.() -> Unit): JFXTreeViewPath

Create a JFXTreeViewPath with configuration block.

inline fun NodeManager.jfxTreeViewPath(treeView: TreeView<*>? = null, configuration: JFXTreeViewPath.() -> Unit): JFXTreeViewPath

Add a JFXTreeViewPath with configuration block to this manager.

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inline fun JFXToolbar.leftItems(configuration: KtfxJfxToolbar.HBoxConstraints.() -> Unit)

Configure JFXToolbar left items.

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inline fun JFXScrollPane.mainHeader(configuration: NodeManager.() -> Unit)

Configure JFXScrollPane main header.

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inline fun JFXScrollPane.midBar(configuration: NodeManager.() -> Unit)

Configure JFXScrollPane mid bar.

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inline fun JFXToolbar.rightItems(configuration: KtfxJfxToolbar.HBoxConstraints.() -> Unit)

Configure JFXToolbar right items.

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fun styledJFXBadge(vararg styleClass: String, id: String? = null): JFXBadge

Create a styled JFXBadge.

fun NodeManager.styledJFXBadge(vararg styleClass: String, id: String? = null): JFXBadge

Add a styled JFXBadge to this manager.

inline fun styledJFXBadge(vararg styleClass: String, id: String? = null, configuration: KtfxJfxBadge.() -> Unit): JFXBadge

Create a styled JFXBadge with configuration block.

inline fun NodeManager.styledJFXBadge(vararg styleClass: String, id: String? = null, configuration: KtfxJfxBadge.() -> Unit): JFXBadge

Add a styled JFXBadge with configuration block to this manager.

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fun styledJFXButton(text: String? = null, graphic: Node? = null, vararg styleClass: String, id: String? = null): JFXButton

Create a styled JFXButton.

fun NodeManager.styledJFXButton(text: String? = null, graphic: Node? = null, vararg styleClass: String, id: String? = null): JFXButton

Add a styled JFXButton to this manager.

inline fun styledJFXButton(text: String? = null, graphic: Node? = null, vararg styleClass: String, id: String? = null, configuration: JFXButton.() -> Unit): JFXButton

Create a styled JFXButton with configuration block.

inline fun NodeManager.styledJFXButton(text: String? = null, graphic: Node? = null, vararg styleClass: String, id: String? = null, configuration: JFXButton.() -> Unit): JFXButton

Add a styled JFXButton with configuration block to this manager.

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fun styledJFXCheckBox(text: String? = null, vararg styleClass: String, id: String? = null): JFXCheckBox

Create a styled JFXCheckBox.

fun NodeManager.styledJFXCheckBox(text: String? = null, vararg styleClass: String, id: String? = null): JFXCheckBox

Add a styled JFXCheckBox to this manager.

inline fun styledJFXCheckBox(text: String? = null, vararg styleClass: String, id: String? = null, configuration: JFXCheckBox.() -> Unit): JFXCheckBox

Create a styled JFXCheckBox with configuration block.

inline fun NodeManager.styledJFXCheckBox(text: String? = null, vararg styleClass: String, id: String? = null, configuration: JFXCheckBox.() -> Unit): JFXCheckBox

Add a styled JFXCheckBox with configuration block to this manager.

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fun <T> styledJFXChip(view: JFXChipView<T>, item: T, vararg styleClass: String, id: String? = null): JFXChip<T>

Create a styled JFXChip.

fun <T> NodeManager.styledJFXChip(view: JFXChipView<T>, item: T, vararg styleClass: String, id: String? = null): JFXChip<T>

Add a styled JFXChip to this manager.

inline fun <T> styledJFXChip(view: JFXChipView<T>, item: T, vararg styleClass: String, id: String? = null, configuration: JFXChip<T>.() -> Unit): JFXChip<T>

Create a styled JFXChip with configuration block.

inline fun <T> NodeManager.styledJFXChip(view: JFXChipView<T>, item: T, vararg styleClass: String, id: String? = null, configuration: JFXChip<T>.() -> Unit): JFXChip<T>

Add a styled JFXChip with configuration block to this manager.

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fun <T> styledJFXChipView(vararg styleClass: String, id: String? = null): JFXChipView<T>

Create a styled JFXChipView.

fun <T> NodeManager.styledJFXChipView(vararg styleClass: String, id: String? = null): JFXChipView<T>

Add a styled JFXChipView to this manager.

inline fun <T> styledJFXChipView(vararg styleClass: String, id: String? = null, configuration: JFXChipView<T>.() -> Unit): JFXChipView<T>

Create a styled JFXChipView with configuration block.

inline fun <T> NodeManager.styledJFXChipView(vararg styleClass: String, id: String? = null, configuration: JFXChipView<T>.() -> Unit): JFXChipView<T>

Add a styled JFXChipView with configuration block to this manager.

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fun styledJFXClippedPane(vararg styleClass: String, id: String? = null): JFXClippedPane

Create a styled JFXClippedPane.

fun NodeManager.styledJFXClippedPane(vararg styleClass: String, id: String? = null): JFXClippedPane

Add a styled JFXClippedPane to this manager.

inline fun styledJFXClippedPane(vararg styleClass: String, id: String? = null, configuration: KtfxJfxClippedPane.() -> Unit): JFXClippedPane

Create a styled JFXClippedPane with configuration block.

inline fun NodeManager.styledJFXClippedPane(vararg styleClass: String, id: String? = null, configuration: KtfxJfxClippedPane.() -> Unit): JFXClippedPane

Add a styled JFXClippedPane with configuration block to this manager.

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fun styledJFXColorPicker(color: Color = WHITE, vararg styleClass: String, id: String? = null): JFXColorPicker

Create a styled JFXColorPicker.

fun NodeManager.styledJFXColorPicker(color: Color = WHITE, vararg styleClass: String, id: String? = null): JFXColorPicker

Add a styled JFXColorPicker to this manager.

inline fun styledJFXColorPicker(color: Color = WHITE, vararg styleClass: String, id: String? = null, configuration: JFXColorPicker.() -> Unit): JFXColorPicker

Create a styled JFXColorPicker with configuration block.

inline fun NodeManager.styledJFXColorPicker(color: Color = WHITE, vararg styleClass: String, id: String? = null, configuration: JFXColorPicker.() -> Unit): JFXColorPicker

Add a styled JFXColorPicker with configuration block to this manager.

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fun <T> styledJFXComboBox(items: ObservableList<T> = observableArrayList(), vararg styleClass: String, id: String? = null): JFXComboBox<T>

Create a styled JFXComboBox.

fun <T> NodeManager.styledJFXComboBox(items: ObservableList<T> = observableArrayList(), vararg styleClass: String, id: String? = null): JFXComboBox<T>

Add a styled JFXComboBox to this manager.

inline fun <T> styledJFXComboBox(items: ObservableList<T> = observableArrayList(), vararg styleClass: String, id: String? = null, configuration: JFXComboBox<T>.() -> Unit): JFXComboBox<T>

Create a styled JFXComboBox with configuration block.

inline fun <T> NodeManager.styledJFXComboBox(items: ObservableList<T> = observableArrayList(), vararg styleClass: String, id: String? = null, configuration: JFXComboBox<T>.() -> Unit): JFXComboBox<T>

Add a styled JFXComboBox with configuration block to this manager.

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fun styledJFXDatePicker(date: LocalDate? = null, vararg styleClass: String, id: String? = null): JFXDatePicker

Create a styled JFXDatePicker.

fun NodeManager.styledJFXDatePicker(date: LocalDate? = null, vararg styleClass: String, id: String? = null): JFXDatePicker

Add a styled JFXDatePicker to this manager.

inline fun styledJFXDatePicker(date: LocalDate? = null, vararg styleClass: String, id: String? = null, configuration: JFXDatePicker.() -> Unit): JFXDatePicker

Create a styled JFXDatePicker with configuration block.

inline fun NodeManager.styledJFXDatePicker(date: LocalDate? = null, vararg styleClass: String, id: String? = null, configuration: JFXDatePicker.() -> Unit): JFXDatePicker

Add a styled JFXDatePicker with configuration block to this manager.

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fun styledJFXDecorator(stage: Stage, node: Node, fullScreen: Boolean = true, max: Boolean = true, min: Boolean = true, vararg styleClass: String, id: String? = null): JFXDecorator

Create a styled JFXDecorator.

fun NodeManager.styledJFXDecorator(stage: Stage, node: Node, fullScreen: Boolean = true, max: Boolean = true, min: Boolean = true, vararg styleClass: String, id: String? = null): JFXDecorator

Add a styled JFXDecorator to this manager.

inline fun styledJFXDecorator(stage: Stage, node: Node, fullScreen: Boolean = true, max: Boolean = true, min: Boolean = true, vararg styleClass: String, id: String? = null, configuration: JFXDecorator.() -> Unit): JFXDecorator

Create a styled JFXDecorator with configuration block.

inline fun NodeManager.styledJFXDecorator(stage: Stage, node: Node, fullScreen: Boolean = true, max: Boolean = true, min: Boolean = true, vararg styleClass: String, id: String? = null, configuration: JFXDecorator.() -> Unit): JFXDecorator

Add a styled JFXDecorator with configuration block to this manager.

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fun <T> styledJFXDefaultChip(view: JFXChipView<T>, item: T, vararg styleClass: String, id: String? = null): JFXDefaultChip<T>

Create a styled JFXDefaultChip.

fun <T> NodeManager.styledJFXDefaultChip(view: JFXChipView<T>, item: T, vararg styleClass: String, id: String? = null): JFXDefaultChip<T>

Add a styled JFXDefaultChip to this manager.

inline fun <T> styledJFXDefaultChip(view: JFXChipView<T>, item: T, vararg styleClass: String, id: String? = null, configuration: JFXDefaultChip<T>.() -> Unit): JFXDefaultChip<T>

Create a styled JFXDefaultChip with configuration block.

inline fun <T> NodeManager.styledJFXDefaultChip(view: JFXChipView<T>, item: T, vararg styleClass: String, id: String? = null, configuration: JFXDefaultChip<T>.() -> Unit): JFXDefaultChip<T>

Add a styled JFXDefaultChip with configuration block to this manager.

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fun styledJFXDrawer(vararg styleClass: String, id: String? = null): JFXDrawer

Create a styled JFXDrawer.

fun NodeManager.styledJFXDrawer(vararg styleClass: String, id: String? = null): JFXDrawer

Add a styled JFXDrawer to this manager.

inline fun styledJFXDrawer(vararg styleClass: String, id: String? = null, configuration: KtfxJfxDrawer.() -> Unit): JFXDrawer

Create a styled JFXDrawer with configuration block.

inline fun NodeManager.styledJFXDrawer(vararg styleClass: String, id: String? = null, configuration: KtfxJfxDrawer.() -> Unit): JFXDrawer

Add a styled JFXDrawer with configuration block to this manager.

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fun styledJFXDrawersStack(vararg styleClass: String, id: String? = null): JFXDrawersStack

Create a styled JFXDrawersStack.

fun NodeManager.styledJFXDrawersStack(vararg styleClass: String, id: String? = null): JFXDrawersStack

Add a styled JFXDrawersStack to this manager.

inline fun styledJFXDrawersStack(vararg styleClass: String, id: String? = null, configuration: JFXDrawersStack.() -> Unit): JFXDrawersStack

Create a styled JFXDrawersStack with configuration block.

inline fun NodeManager.styledJFXDrawersStack(vararg styleClass: String, id: String? = null, configuration: JFXDrawersStack.() -> Unit): JFXDrawersStack

Add a styled JFXDrawersStack with configuration block to this manager.

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fun styledJFXHamburger(vararg styleClass: String, id: String? = null): JFXHamburger

Create a styled JFXHamburger.

fun NodeManager.styledJFXHamburger(vararg styleClass: String, id: String? = null): JFXHamburger

Add a styled JFXHamburger to this manager.

inline fun styledJFXHamburger(vararg styleClass: String, id: String? = null, configuration: JFXHamburger.() -> Unit): JFXHamburger

Create a styled JFXHamburger with configuration block.

inline fun NodeManager.styledJFXHamburger(vararg styleClass: String, id: String? = null, configuration: JFXHamburger.() -> Unit): JFXHamburger

Add a styled JFXHamburger with configuration block to this manager.

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fun <T> styledJFXListCell(vararg styleClass: String, id: String? = null): JFXListCell<T>

Create a styled JFXListCell.

fun <T> NodeManager.styledJFXListCell(vararg styleClass: String, id: String? = null): JFXListCell<T>

Add a styled JFXListCell to this manager.

inline fun <T> styledJFXListCell(vararg styleClass: String, id: String? = null, configuration: JFXListCell<T>.() -> Unit): JFXListCell<T>

Create a styled JFXListCell with configuration block.

inline fun <T> NodeManager.styledJFXListCell(vararg styleClass: String, id: String? = null, configuration: JFXListCell<T>.() -> Unit): JFXListCell<T>

Add a styled JFXListCell with configuration block to this manager.

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fun <T> styledJFXListView(vararg styleClass: String, id: String? = null): JFXListView<T>

Create a styled JFXListView.

fun <T> NodeManager.styledJFXListView(vararg styleClass: String, id: String? = null): JFXListView<T>

Add a styled JFXListView to this manager.

inline fun <T> styledJFXListView(vararg styleClass: String, id: String? = null, configuration: JFXListView<T>.() -> Unit): JFXListView<T>

Create a styled JFXListView with configuration block.

inline fun <T> NodeManager.styledJFXListView(vararg styleClass: String, id: String? = null, configuration: JFXListView<T>.() -> Unit): JFXListView<T>

Add a styled JFXListView with configuration block to this manager.

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fun styledJFXMasonryPane(vararg styleClass: String, id: String? = null): JFXMasonryPane

Create a styled JFXMasonryPane.

fun NodeManager.styledJFXMasonryPane(vararg styleClass: String, id: String? = null): JFXMasonryPane

Add a styled JFXMasonryPane to this manager.

inline fun styledJFXMasonryPane(vararg styleClass: String, id: String? = null, configuration: KtfxJfxMasonryPane.() -> Unit): JFXMasonryPane

Create a styled JFXMasonryPane with configuration block.

inline fun NodeManager.styledJFXMasonryPane(vararg styleClass: String, id: String? = null, configuration: KtfxJfxMasonryPane.() -> Unit): JFXMasonryPane

Add a styled JFXMasonryPane with configuration block to this manager.

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fun styledJFXNodesList(vararg styleClass: String, id: String? = null): JFXNodesList

Create a styled JFXNodesList.

fun NodeManager.styledJFXNodesList(vararg styleClass: String, id: String? = null): JFXNodesList

Add a styled JFXNodesList to this manager.

inline fun styledJFXNodesList(vararg styleClass: String, id: String? = null, configuration: KtfxJfxNodesList.() -> Unit): JFXNodesList

Create a styled JFXNodesList with configuration block.

inline fun NodeManager.styledJFXNodesList(vararg styleClass: String, id: String? = null, configuration: KtfxJfxNodesList.() -> Unit): JFXNodesList

Add a styled JFXNodesList with configuration block to this manager.

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fun styledJFXPasswordField(vararg styleClass: String, id: String? = null): JFXPasswordField

Create a styled JFXPasswordField.

fun NodeManager.styledJFXPasswordField(vararg styleClass: String, id: String? = null): JFXPasswordField

Add a styled JFXPasswordField to this manager.

inline fun styledJFXPasswordField(vararg styleClass: String, id: String? = null, configuration: JFXPasswordField.() -> Unit): JFXPasswordField

Create a styled JFXPasswordField with configuration block.

inline fun NodeManager.styledJFXPasswordField(vararg styleClass: String, id: String? = null, configuration: JFXPasswordField.() -> Unit): JFXPasswordField

Add a styled JFXPasswordField with configuration block to this manager.

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fun styledJFXProgressBar(progress: Double = INDETERMINATE_PROGRESS, vararg styleClass: String, id: String? = null): JFXProgressBar

Create a styled JFXProgressBar.

fun NodeManager.styledJFXProgressBar(progress: Double = INDETERMINATE_PROGRESS, vararg styleClass: String, id: String? = null): JFXProgressBar

Add a styled JFXProgressBar to this manager.

inline fun styledJFXProgressBar(progress: Double = INDETERMINATE_PROGRESS, vararg styleClass: String, id: String? = null, configuration: JFXProgressBar.() -> Unit): JFXProgressBar

Create a styled JFXProgressBar with configuration block.

inline fun NodeManager.styledJFXProgressBar(progress: Double = INDETERMINATE_PROGRESS, vararg styleClass: String, id: String? = null, configuration: JFXProgressBar.() -> Unit): JFXProgressBar

Add a styled JFXProgressBar with configuration block to this manager.

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fun styledJFXRadioButton(text: String? = null, vararg styleClass: String, id: String? = null): JFXRadioButton

Create a styled JFXRadioButton.

fun NodeManager.styledJFXRadioButton(text: String? = null, vararg styleClass: String, id: String? = null): JFXRadioButton
fun ToggleButtonManager.styledJFXRadioButton(text: String? = null, vararg styleClass: String, id: String? = null): JFXRadioButton

Add a styled JFXRadioButton to this manager.

inline fun styledJFXRadioButton(text: String? = null, vararg styleClass: String, id: String? = null, configuration: JFXRadioButton.() -> Unit): JFXRadioButton

Create a styled JFXRadioButton with configuration block.

inline fun NodeManager.styledJFXRadioButton(text: String? = null, vararg styleClass: String, id: String? = null, configuration: JFXRadioButton.() -> Unit): JFXRadioButton
inline fun ToggleButtonManager.styledJFXRadioButton(text: String? = null, vararg styleClass: String, id: String? = null, configuration: JFXRadioButton.() -> Unit): JFXRadioButton

Add a styled JFXRadioButton with configuration block to this manager.

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fun styledJFXRippler(vararg styleClass: String, id: String? = null): JFXRippler

Create a styled JFXRippler.

fun NodeManager.styledJFXRippler(vararg styleClass: String, id: String? = null): JFXRippler

Add a styled JFXRippler to this manager.

inline fun styledJFXRippler(vararg styleClass: String, id: String? = null, configuration: KtfxJfxRippler.() -> Unit): JFXRippler

Create a styled JFXRippler with configuration block.

inline fun NodeManager.styledJFXRippler(vararg styleClass: String, id: String? = null, configuration: KtfxJfxRippler.() -> Unit): JFXRippler

Add a styled JFXRippler with configuration block to this manager.

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fun styledJFXScrollPane(vararg styleClass: String, id: String? = null): JFXScrollPane

Create a styled JFXScrollPane.

fun NodeManager.styledJFXScrollPane(vararg styleClass: String, id: String? = null): JFXScrollPane

Add a styled JFXScrollPane to this manager.

inline fun styledJFXScrollPane(vararg styleClass: String, id: String? = null, configuration: KtfxJfxScrollPane.() -> Unit): JFXScrollPane

Create a styled JFXScrollPane with configuration block.

inline fun NodeManager.styledJFXScrollPane(vararg styleClass: String, id: String? = null, configuration: KtfxJfxScrollPane.() -> Unit): JFXScrollPane

Add a styled JFXScrollPane with configuration block to this manager.

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fun styledJFXSlider(min: Double = 0.0, max: Double = 100.0, value: Double = 50.0, vararg styleClass: String, id: String? = null): JFXSlider

Create a styled JFXSlider.

fun NodeManager.styledJFXSlider(min: Double = 0.0, max: Double = 100.0, value: Double = 50.0, vararg styleClass: String, id: String? = null): JFXSlider

Add a styled JFXSlider to this manager.

inline fun styledJFXSlider(min: Double = 0.0, max: Double = 100.0, value: Double = 50.0, vararg styleClass: String, id: String? = null, configuration: JFXSlider.() -> Unit): JFXSlider

Create a styled JFXSlider with configuration block.

inline fun NodeManager.styledJFXSlider(min: Double = 0.0, max: Double = 100.0, value: Double = 50.0, vararg styleClass: String, id: String? = null, configuration: JFXSlider.() -> Unit): JFXSlider

Add a styled JFXSlider with configuration block to this manager.

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fun styledJFXSpinner(progress: Double = INDETERMINATE_PROGRESS, vararg styleClass: String, id: String? = null): JFXSpinner

Create a styled JFXSpinner.

fun NodeManager.styledJFXSpinner(progress: Double = INDETERMINATE_PROGRESS, vararg styleClass: String, id: String? = null): JFXSpinner

Add a styled JFXSpinner to this manager.

inline fun styledJFXSpinner(progress: Double = INDETERMINATE_PROGRESS, vararg styleClass: String, id: String? = null, configuration: JFXSpinner.() -> Unit): JFXSpinner

Create a styled JFXSpinner with configuration block.

inline fun NodeManager.styledJFXSpinner(progress: Double = INDETERMINATE_PROGRESS, vararg styleClass: String, id: String? = null, configuration: JFXSpinner.() -> Unit): JFXSpinner

Add a styled JFXSpinner with configuration block to this manager.

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fun styledJFXTabPane(vararg styleClass: String, id: String? = null): JFXTabPane

Create a styled JFXTabPane.

fun NodeManager.styledJFXTabPane(vararg styleClass: String, id: String? = null): JFXTabPane

Add a styled JFXTabPane to this manager.

inline fun styledJFXTabPane(vararg styleClass: String, id: String? = null, configuration: KtfxJfxTabPane.() -> Unit): JFXTabPane

Create a styled JFXTabPane with configuration block.

inline fun NodeManager.styledJFXTabPane(vararg styleClass: String, id: String? = null, configuration: KtfxJfxTabPane.() -> Unit): JFXTabPane

Add a styled JFXTabPane with configuration block to this manager.

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fun styledJFXTextArea(text: String? = null, vararg styleClass: String, id: String? = null): JFXTextArea

Create a styled JFXTextArea.

fun NodeManager.styledJFXTextArea(text: String? = null, vararg styleClass: String, id: String? = null): JFXTextArea

Add a styled JFXTextArea to this manager.

inline fun styledJFXTextArea(text: String? = null, vararg styleClass: String, id: String? = null, configuration: JFXTextArea.() -> Unit): JFXTextArea

Create a styled JFXTextArea with configuration block.

inline fun NodeManager.styledJFXTextArea(text: String? = null, vararg styleClass: String, id: String? = null, configuration: JFXTextArea.() -> Unit): JFXTextArea

Add a styled JFXTextArea with configuration block to this manager.

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fun styledJFXTextField(text: String? = null, vararg styleClass: String, id: String? = null): JFXTextField

Create a styled JFXTextField.

fun NodeManager.styledJFXTextField(text: String? = null, vararg styleClass: String, id: String? = null): JFXTextField

Add a styled JFXTextField to this manager.

inline fun styledJFXTextField(text: String? = null, vararg styleClass: String, id: String? = null, configuration: JFXTextField.() -> Unit): JFXTextField

Create a styled JFXTextField with configuration block.

inline fun NodeManager.styledJFXTextField(text: String? = null, vararg styleClass: String, id: String? = null, configuration: JFXTextField.() -> Unit): JFXTextField

Add a styled JFXTextField with configuration block to this manager.

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fun styledJFXTimePicker(time: LocalTime? = null, vararg styleClass: String, id: String? = null): JFXTimePicker

Create a styled JFXTimePicker.

fun NodeManager.styledJFXTimePicker(time: LocalTime? = null, vararg styleClass: String, id: String? = null): JFXTimePicker

Add a styled JFXTimePicker to this manager.

inline fun styledJFXTimePicker(time: LocalTime? = null, vararg styleClass: String, id: String? = null, configuration: JFXTimePicker.() -> Unit): JFXTimePicker

Create a styled JFXTimePicker with configuration block.

inline fun NodeManager.styledJFXTimePicker(time: LocalTime? = null, vararg styleClass: String, id: String? = null, configuration: JFXTimePicker.() -> Unit): JFXTimePicker

Add a styled JFXTimePicker with configuration block to this manager.

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fun styledJFXToggleButton(vararg styleClass: String, id: String? = null): JFXToggleButton

Create a styled JFXToggleButton.

fun NodeManager.styledJFXToggleButton(vararg styleClass: String, id: String? = null): JFXToggleButton
fun ToggleButtonManager.styledJFXToggleButton(vararg styleClass: String, id: String? = null): JFXToggleButton

Add a styled JFXToggleButton to this manager.

inline fun styledJFXToggleButton(vararg styleClass: String, id: String? = null, configuration: JFXToggleButton.() -> Unit): JFXToggleButton

Create a styled JFXToggleButton with configuration block.

inline fun NodeManager.styledJFXToggleButton(vararg styleClass: String, id: String? = null, configuration: JFXToggleButton.() -> Unit): JFXToggleButton
inline fun ToggleButtonManager.styledJFXToggleButton(vararg styleClass: String, id: String? = null, configuration: JFXToggleButton.() -> Unit): JFXToggleButton

Add a styled JFXToggleButton with configuration block to this manager.

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fun styledJFXToggleNode(graphic: Node? = null, vararg styleClass: String, id: String? = null): JFXToggleNode

Create a styled JFXToggleNode.

fun NodeManager.styledJFXToggleNode(graphic: Node? = null, vararg styleClass: String, id: String? = null): JFXToggleNode
fun ToggleButtonManager.styledJFXToggleNode(graphic: Node? = null, vararg styleClass: String, id: String? = null): JFXToggleNode

Add a styled JFXToggleNode to this manager.

inline fun styledJFXToggleNode(graphic: Node? = null, vararg styleClass: String, id: String? = null, configuration: JFXToggleNode.() -> Unit): JFXToggleNode

Create a styled JFXToggleNode with configuration block.

inline fun NodeManager.styledJFXToggleNode(graphic: Node? = null, vararg styleClass: String, id: String? = null, configuration: JFXToggleNode.() -> Unit): JFXToggleNode
inline fun ToggleButtonManager.styledJFXToggleNode(graphic: Node? = null, vararg styleClass: String, id: String? = null, configuration: JFXToggleNode.() -> Unit): JFXToggleNode

Add a styled JFXToggleNode with configuration block to this manager.

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fun styledJFXTogglePane(vararg styleClass: String, id: String? = null): JFXTogglePane

Create a styled JFXTogglePane.

fun NodeManager.styledJFXTogglePane(vararg styleClass: String, id: String? = null): JFXTogglePane

Add a styled JFXTogglePane to this manager.

inline fun styledJFXTogglePane(vararg styleClass: String, id: String? = null, configuration: KtfxJfxTogglePane.() -> Unit): JFXTogglePane

Create a styled JFXTogglePane with configuration block.

inline fun NodeManager.styledJFXTogglePane(vararg styleClass: String, id: String? = null, configuration: KtfxJfxTogglePane.() -> Unit): JFXTogglePane

Add a styled JFXTogglePane with configuration block to this manager.

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fun styledJFXToolbar(vararg styleClass: String, id: String? = null): JFXToolbar

Create a styled JFXToolbar.

fun NodeManager.styledJFXToolbar(vararg styleClass: String, id: String? = null): JFXToolbar

Add a styled JFXToolbar to this manager.

inline fun styledJFXToolbar(vararg styleClass: String, id: String? = null, configuration: KtfxJfxToolbar.() -> Unit): JFXToolbar

Create a styled JFXToolbar with configuration block.

inline fun NodeManager.styledJFXToolbar(vararg styleClass: String, id: String? = null, configuration: KtfxJfxToolbar.() -> Unit): JFXToolbar

Add a styled JFXToolbar with configuration block to this manager.

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fun <T> styledJFXTreeCell(vararg styleClass: String, id: String? = null): JFXTreeCell<T>

Create a styled JFXTreeCell.

fun <T> NodeManager.styledJFXTreeCell(vararg styleClass: String, id: String? = null): JFXTreeCell<T>

Add a styled JFXTreeCell to this manager.

inline fun <T> styledJFXTreeCell(vararg styleClass: String, id: String? = null, configuration: JFXTreeCell<T>.() -> Unit): JFXTreeCell<T>

Create a styled JFXTreeCell with configuration block.

inline fun <T> NodeManager.styledJFXTreeCell(vararg styleClass: String, id: String? = null, configuration: JFXTreeCell<T>.() -> Unit): JFXTreeCell<T>

Add a styled JFXTreeCell with configuration block to this manager.

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fun <S : RecursiveTreeObject<S>> styledJFXTreeTableView(root: TreeItem<S>? = null, vararg styleClass: String, id: String? = null): JFXTreeTableView<S>

Create a styled JFXTreeTableView.

fun <S : RecursiveTreeObject<S>> NodeManager.styledJFXTreeTableView(root: TreeItem<S>? = null, vararg styleClass: String, id: String? = null): JFXTreeTableView<S>

Add a styled JFXTreeTableView to this manager.

inline fun <S : RecursiveTreeObject<S>> styledJFXTreeTableView(root: TreeItem<S>? = null, vararg styleClass: String, id: String? = null, configuration: JFXTreeTableView<S>.() -> Unit): JFXTreeTableView<S>

Create a styled JFXTreeTableView with configuration block.

inline fun <S : RecursiveTreeObject<S>> NodeManager.styledJFXTreeTableView(root: TreeItem<S>? = null, vararg styleClass: String, id: String? = null, configuration: JFXTreeTableView<S>.() -> Unit): JFXTreeTableView<S>

Add a styled JFXTreeTableView with configuration block to this manager.

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fun <T> styledJFXTreeView(root: TreeItem<T>? = null, vararg styleClass: String, id: String? = null): JFXTreeView<T>

Create a styled JFXTreeView.

fun <T> NodeManager.styledJFXTreeView(root: TreeItem<T>? = null, vararg styleClass: String, id: String? = null): JFXTreeView<T>

Add a styled JFXTreeView to this manager.

inline fun <T> styledJFXTreeView(root: TreeItem<T>? = null, vararg styleClass: String, id: String? = null, configuration: JFXTreeView<T>.() -> Unit): JFXTreeView<T>

Create a styled JFXTreeView with configuration block.

inline fun <T> NodeManager.styledJFXTreeView(root: TreeItem<T>? = null, vararg styleClass: String, id: String? = null, configuration: JFXTreeView<T>.() -> Unit): JFXTreeView<T>

Add a styled JFXTreeView with configuration block to this manager.

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fun styledJFXTreeViewPath(treeView: TreeView<*>? = null, vararg styleClass: String, id: String? = null): JFXTreeViewPath

Create a styled JFXTreeViewPath.

fun NodeManager.styledJFXTreeViewPath(treeView: TreeView<*>? = null, vararg styleClass: String, id: String? = null): JFXTreeViewPath

Add a styled JFXTreeViewPath to this manager.

inline fun styledJFXTreeViewPath(treeView: TreeView<*>? = null, vararg styleClass: String, id: String? = null, configuration: JFXTreeViewPath.() -> Unit): JFXTreeViewPath

Create a styled JFXTreeViewPath with configuration block.

inline fun NodeManager.styledJFXTreeViewPath(treeView: TreeView<*>? = null, vararg styleClass: String, id: String? = null, configuration: JFXTreeViewPath.() -> Unit): JFXTreeViewPath

Add a styled JFXTreeViewPath with configuration block to this manager.

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inline fun JFXScrollPane.topBar(configuration: NodeManager.() -> Unit)

Configure JFXScrollPane top bar.